Honest Accurate
Real Estate Valuation

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About Us

Allen Larsen, owner of Larsen Appraisal. I have been appraising in Utah for 24 years, I am a Certified Residential Appraiser. I am a retired Certified Fraud Examiner for the State of Utah. I have lived in Bountiful for 65 years; I am very knowledgeable with Davis County, Weber County and Salt Lake County.

Divorce Proceedings

If you need an appraisal on your house for a divorce proceeding I can provide an honest appraisal without taking sides. I will be fully impartial.

Estate Planning

I can provide current appraisals for your properties to help in planning your estate, or dividing up an estate with heirs. You may need an appraisal after a death to establish value for tax purposes.

Tax Assessments

Every year the Tax Assessor sends out your property tax notice, if you feel it is incorrect I can provide an appraisal that you can send to the County Assessor.

Back Dated Appraisals

If for any reason you need an appraisal as of a specific date in the past,  I can provide that for you too.

Removal of Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

 If you pay mortgage insurance because of a high loan to value your mortgage company can remove this insurance when your loan to value reaches the required amount, this is typically 80%.  I can provide this appraisal for you, however it is best to check with the mortgage company to verify that they will accept it. They usually will, but it is best to make sure, so you don’t pay for something you can’t use.

Or any other purpose except for a current Loan.If you need an appraisal for a loan you should have the lender order the appraisal, otherwise the lender will need to do it again. You don’t want to pay twice. 

Our Services

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Mortgage Calculators

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Divorce Appraisals

Lorem ipsum dolor sit consetetur sadipscing elitr, diam nonumy eirmod tempor.

Estate Appraisals

Lorem ipsum dolor sit consetetur sadipscing elitr, diam nonumy eirmod tempor.

Removal Of Mortgage Insurance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit consetetur sadipscing elitr, diam nonumy eirmod tempor.

Back Dated Appraisals

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Get In Touch

We do only Residential appraisals, not Commercial.

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